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Rascettes or Bracelets lines at your wrist - A Palm Study

Dr. Shanker Adawal
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Does your Horoscope have Money Yog?

From astrological point of view, birth chart holds a significant importance, as it registers the planetary motions at the time of birth, thus calculating the exact number of ‘dosha’ or ‘yog’ in one’s Horoscope.

The Rascettes or Bracelets

These are the horizontal lines or curves separating the palm from the arm at the wrist. They vary in number from one to three or even four. Certain palmists argue that every complete rascette represents forty years of age and more the rascettes, happier the life will be. Investigation and intensive study proved the fallacy of such argument, and the raseettes have no meaning or indication at all.

As per the opinion of some of the palmists they did not find useful as an indication of longevity, hence the old-time tradition of ascribing thirty years of life for each of the Rascettes is fallacious. It has been seen natives over eighty years of age with only two Rascettes, while it is found others with three well-formed and clear lines that died young. However, a general perception is being given for the readers.

The first Rascette, if deep and clear, will add confirmation to other indications in the hand of the possession of a strong constitution; doubtless it will add strength to a long, clear and deep Life line. Should, however, the Rascette be poorly marked, be broad and shallow or chained, the constitution will be weak. These Rasacettes should be considered with the Life line. The rising of the centre of the first Rascette towards the palm is instanced as a premarital indication, in part, of sterility.

Long branches from the Rascette, rising high into the Mount of Moon, are known as travel lines, and are read to indicate voyages, should such a line run to the Mount of Jupiter, the voyage will be a long and happy one. A Star at the termination of a voyage line is usually read as death by drowning.

These lines are found marked with similar defects as the other lines, and this indicates troubles en route.

In addition to these indications of travel it has be invariably found that when the Life line sweeps out in the hand towards the Mount of Moon, the subject either has or will spend some ears  in another and generally distant country. If such a Life line should be long, reaching nearly to the centre of the Rascette, the change will result in lengthening materially the duration of the life.

A straight line from the Rascette to Mount of Mercury indicates a sudden and unexpected increase of the finances; a similar line rising to and joining the line of Saturn will indicate the return of a friend from across the water.

Dr. Shanker Adawal
Profile: www.connectingmind.comResearch work and articles on Bhrigu Nadi astrology:,
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The Lines of Affections

They are the small horizontal lines that appear immediately under the Finger of Mercury. They vary in number from one to four.

These lines are misinterpreted by all palmists. All writers on Hand Reading call these lines “The Lines of Marriage; and pretend that each line presents one case of marriage. This is totally wrong as could be easily checked by the reader of any hand.

These lines are found in every had whether married or single. Two and even three lines are seen in  hands of bachelors and spinsters.

The right expression of these lines is that they denote by their number when compared in both the right and left  hands, whether the amount of affection interchanged between the individual and other people are in excess or otherwise; for instance, if the number of these lines in the right hand is more than in the left, they denote that the subject gives from his affections more than he takes and reverse holds good.

As the nearest people to the individual are his relatives and other family members, it will be natural for the Lines of Affection to show whether or not there is mutual or lost love between both parties.

In case of marriage these lines with other lines from the Mount of Venus tell whether the marriage is happy or not. In happy marriage a single straight line will start from the Mount of Venus and run direct to the lines of Affection where it ends after passing through the Quadrangle. This is confirmed by a small cross on the Mount of Jupiter.

On the other  hand, if the marriage is by no means a happy one, the straight line mentioned above will be replaced by an island.

Family troubles and complicated home affairs which directly affect the emotions are represented by the auxiliary lines or islands running from the various mounts towards the Lines of Affection.

Dr. Shanker Adawal
Profile: www.connectingmind.comResearch work and articles on Bhrigu Nadi astrology:,
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The Girdle of Venus

The Girdle of Venus is a curved line which takes its place immediately above the Line of Heart in the space between the Fingers of Mercury and Saturn or Jupiter; in very rare cases it appears very long than it might be mistaken for the Main Line of Heart. The Line of Heart is always clear and deep and must start on the ulnar side of the hand, while the Girdle of Venus never extended to that side.

The Girdle of Venus is often found in triangular hands with conic or pointed finger tips; it is seen in ladies’ hands more than in men’s. In every case where the Line of Heart shows kindness or timidity or in case there is hasty hot temperament or delicate feelings, the Girdle of Venus is always present.

The Girdle of Venus is considered to be good if it appears in the shape of a slightly curved line. In such case the Line of Heart will be sword like and end abruptly on the Mount of Saturn. A very good Girdle of Venus is always seen in the hands of good Saturnine or Mercurians who have adequate control over their emotions. On the other hand, if the Girdle of Venus is poor or weak, i.e., composed of broken lines, it betrays a highly sensitive nature which could be easily aroused and moved. The palm of the hand in such circumstances will be of soft or thin texture, the Line of Heart poor and the thumb weak.

It is remarkable to note in such cases of bad Girdle of Venus the too much talk, imagination and debut enveloping the character. The Mount of the Moon will be depressed and bad, creating pessimistic hallucinations which will play the devil with the sensation.

In a poor hand where the bad Girdle of Venus is seen, it is important to examine carefully the Mount of Jupiter or the Mounts of Mars and Venus; in case bad signs exist on one of these mounts such as grilles or islands and bars, they mean excessive indulgence in bad vice. They also denote blind jealousy and stubbornness which will answer any temptation irrespective of any consequences.

When the Girdle of Venus looks good and healthy, the Mount of Venus clean and the fingers long and narrow, it indicates chastity and uprightness. This type of Girdle of Venus is seen in the hands of hermits.

A poor Girdle of Venus accompanied by a bad Mount of Venus and a sloping Line of Mentality of a long poor Line of Heart is a true sign of blind doubt whipped with raging jealousy which stops at nothing and could be aroused at the slightest provocation.

Dr. Shanker Adawal
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Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage - Pointers & Houses In Play - Astrology

Dr. Shanker Adawal
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Impact of Jupiter Transit in Virgo & Transit Explained

Dr. Shanker Adawal

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Predictive Techniques - Part 1

Dr. Shanker Adawal
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Your Hands and Your Profession!

It is impossible to be certain, from the hand, what profession or occupation the  native may follow-but the type of hand will show you for what walk in life he or she is best fitted. That is as far as you can go. Below given herewith a number of typical hands, taken from life, with an indication of the profession for which the person was best suited. They must tell their own story.

1. Business Hand: Thumb large and long-line of Head straight, finger tips square with Mercury’s Mount well developed, and Mercury finger long and square.

2. Accountant: Mount of Mercury strong-good line of Sun and Saturn-Second Knots well developed, and strong Thumb.

3. Architect: Square fingers-a good line of Sun, and a good line of Saturn-with Mount of Mercury strong.

4. The Law: A good finger of Jupiter-Mounts of Jupiter and Mercury well developed-Thumb turned out with its second phalanx long and broad, and first phalanx of Mercury long-good lines of Head, Saturn and Sun.

5. Solicitor: Tips square. Two knots on fingers-medium-sized hands-nails inclined to be short and broad, with Saturn finger and Mount well developed. Thumb strong, Mercury finger and Mount strong.

6. The Navy: Hand generally as Army, with the addition of a strong Moon, and the Line of Life spreading well out into the palm at its base-showing travel by water.

7. The Army: The hand large, strong Thumb, with first phalanx well developed-the Mounts of Mars high-good lines of Saturn and Sun, with square or spatulate Tips-fingers normal length.

8. The Clergy: A good first finger, Mount of Jupiter well developed, also Mounts Venus and Moon-Head line slightly drooping to Moon-Finger of Mercury long and straight, with first phalanx pointed, and Mount Mercury fairly high.

9. Doctor: Mount of Mercury rayed vertically-the line of Sun clearly defined-with spatulate fingers and hard hands, the surgeon is indicated-the fingers are usually long, with knots of order developed, and in both types, Moon should be strong.

10. Artist: The peculiarities of these are as varied as the styles of paintings-with long, square-tipped, and knotted fingers, we have the Artist who revels too much in detail. Pointed smooth fingers will depict the ideal in Art-but in all the Mount of Sun is strongly developed, and also Mount of Jupiter.

11. Sculptor: The fingers usually are more or less spatulate-the lines few in numbers, the Mounts of Venus, Mars and Moon are high, the hand thick and strong, palm broad.

12. Musician: Saturn finger long, with Mount of Saturn fully developed-fingers long for stringed instruments or short for keys, but in both the fingers are supple for performers-square and knotty fingers for composers-Spatulate for executants-mounts of Sun and Venus well developed.

13. Vocalist: Fingers short, smooth or mixed type-the entire finger, Mounts well developed, and Mount Venus largely prominent-hand soft and plump.

14. Actor: Long flexible fingers, smooth. Sun finger spatulate-Mounts of Venus and Moon prominent. Head line drooping to Moon, and the first phalanx of Mercury long. The line of Head turned up towards the Mount of Mercury.

15. Literary Hand: The Mounts of Jupiter and Moon should be prominent, with long finger of Sun-Tips spatulate or square, with full knotted second joints.

16. Literacy Critics: have as a rule short nails, and Mount Mercury is prominent.

17. Poetical: Large Mounts of Moon and Venus, with Head line sloping towards Moon, fingers smooth and pointed.

Dr. Shanker Adawal
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How Passionate is Aries Woman during Sex? A General Trend !

Aries woman is extremely enthusiastic and peppy during sex. Almost every Aries woman loves to respond in the same manner during sex.

Confident enough to make experiment in her own way which give amazing results as she tags you along in that fantastic journey of love.

Men of any zodiac sign will always fall in love passionately with an Aries female due to her astonishingly pretty nature.

How to pamper Aries Ladies?

Spend your time as per her need, focus on her interests before trying to get her to your bed.

She always likes surprise dates. So, must treat her to unique dates that she will never forget. Praise her at the suitable time but not always. You can’t make her fool always by giving an unnecessary attention. So, be cautious if you just hang around with her for a long time without officially stating your stand, she will surely lose interest in you.

The Aries woman prefers to take the lead. So, they prefer doing things in their own way so it would be always wise for anyone to let her be. Accepting, as per her own style would get you in her good books.

However, remember that if you just hang around with her for a long time without officially stating your stand, she will most likely lose interest in you. The Aries woman prefers to take the lead. Therefore, if you have this same kind of trait but you are in love with an Aries woman give her space and let her take the lead at times.

Sexuality Traits Aries Woman

Aries woman is also expert with words and can stimulate you quickly with just a trickle of words. Her imaginary vision and originality in making love to you will 100 per cent give you an exciting experience.

It is sure that you will be electrified due to her natural charm and her basic nature of putting her sexual desires before yours.

If her partner admires and gives her respects when she is naked, she relishes a lot and respect her partner’s genuine attitude.

Aries woman always enjoys foreplay a lot and moves that place her in a leading situation.

Having adventurous erotic nature, one should not hesitate trying out new things with her.
The woman of Aries astrology sign is clearly an indicator that one should be ready accordingly before getting involved with her.


ॐ AUM's Secrets

ॐ कैसे है स्वास्थ्यवर्द्धक और अपनाएं आरोग्य के लिए ओम के उच्चारण का मार्ग…

ॐ  ओउम् तीन अक्षरों से बना है। अ उ म् “अ” का अर्थ है उत्पन्न होना, “उ” का तात्पर्य है उठना, उड़ना अर्थात् विकास, “म” का मतलब है मौन हो जाना अर्थात् “ब्रह्मलीन” हो जाना। ओम सम्पूर्ण ब्रह्माण्ड की उत्पत्ति और पूरी सृष्टि का द्योतक है। इस एक शब्द को ब्रह्मांड का सार माना जाता है, ओम का उच्चारण शारीरिक लाभ प्रदान करता है।
 1. ओम और थायरायडः ओम का उच्चारण करने से गले में कंपन पैदा होती है जो थायरायड ग्रंथि पर सकारात्मक प्रभाव डालता है।
2. ओम और घबराहटः अगर आपको घबराहट या अधीरता होती है तो ओम के उच्चारण से उत्तम कुछ भी नहीं।
3. ओम और तनावः यह शरीर के विषैले तत्त्वों को दूर करता है, अर्थात तनाव के कारण पैदा होने वाले द्रव्यों पर नियंत्रण करता है।
 4. ओम और खून का प्रवाहः यह हृदय और ख़ून के प्रवाह को संतुलित रखता है।
5. ओम और पाचनः ओम के उच्चारण से पाचन शक्ति तेज़ होती है।
 6. ओम लाए स्फूर्तिः इससे शरीर में फिर से युवावस्था वाली स्फूर्ति का संचार होता है।
 7. ओम और थकान: थकान से बचाने के लिए इससे उत्तम उपाय कुछ और नहीं।
 8. ओम और नींदः नींद न आने की समस्या इससे कुछ ही समय में दूर हो जाती है। रात को सोते समय नींद आने तक मन में इसको करने से निश्चिंत नींद आएगी।
 9. ॐ और फेफड़े: कुछ विशेष प्राणायाम के साथ इसे करने से फेफड़ों में मज़बूती आती है।
 10. ॐ और रीढ़ की हड्डी: ओम के पहले शब्द का उच्चारण करने से कंपन पैदा होती है। इन कंपन से रीढ़ की हड्डी प्रभावित होती है और इसकी क्षमता बढ़ जाती है।
 11. ॐ दूर करे तनावः ओम का उच्चारण करने से पूरा शरीर तनाव-रहित हो जाता है।