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Marriage Compatibility and Matching of Horoscopes

Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBA)

For matching horoscope of boys and girls, readymade tables in Panchanga and the basic factors including Yoni, Gana, Varan, Nadi, Varga and Vashya etc. must be taken into consideration before pronouncing judgment on the compatibility of marriage:

This is ascertained by comparison of Shadh- Vargas and House lord. Shadh- Vargas or six- classes seems to be a genetic classification of the human being. Their favorable comparison ensures compatibility in different spheres of life such as sex, temperament, acceptability, companionship or comradely and supplementing each other etc. These are (i) Yoni, (ii) Gana, (iii) Varan, (iv) Nadi, (v) Varga, (vi) Vashya.

(i) Yoni: Yonies are 14 in number, each for two stars. They are 14 in number, each foe two stars. They are 1 & 24 Horse, 2- 27 Elephant, 8-3 Ram, 4-5 Serpant, 19-6 Dog, 9-7 Cat, 10-11 Rat, 12-26 Cow, 15-13 Buffalo, 16-14 Tiger, 18-17 Dear, 20-22 Monkey, 25- 23 Lion, 21- 22A Mangoose. The following pairs are enemies and hostile to each other. They are avoided. Cow & Tiger, Elephant & Lion, Horse & Buffalo, Dog & Dear, Serpent & Mangoose, Monkey & Ram, Cat & Rat. This classification refers to sex comparability, which forms the bed- rock of a married life.

(ii) Gana: Dev, Manushya and Rakshash are three ganas. This is temperament comparison. They are based on birth star of a native thus: Nakshtras 1-5-7-8-13-15-17-22-27= Dev Gana, 2-4-6-11-12-20-21-25-26= Manushya Gana, 3-9-10-14-16-18-19-23-24= Rakshash Gana, Manushya Gana can adjust itself with either Dev or Rakshas. But Dev cannot pull on with rakshas. So Dev versus Rakshash should be avoided. Other pair as acceptable.

(iii) Varan: Varan is four in number viz. Brahmin, Krhatriya, Vaishya and Shoodra. This seems to signify mental awareness or level of consciousness. The base is Janma Rashi or radical Moon thus 4-8-12 signs are Brahmin, 1-5-9 Kashtriya and 2-6-10 Vaishya and 3-7-11 signs are Shoodra. Spouses should be of the same category. This is best but a girl of lower Varana can be taken if needed.

(iv) Nadi: Nadis are of three categories viz Aadi, Madhya and Antya, Otherwise also there are three prominent Nadis in a human body viz Ida, Pingla and Shushumana. This classification practically compare with the human body viz. Vaat, Pita & Kaf. The basis is birth star thus:
1-6-7-12-13-18-19-24-25= Aadi or First

2-5-8-11-14-17-20-23-26= Madhya or Middle

3-4-9-10-15-16-21-22-27= Antya or last.

The spouse should not belong to the same Nadi. But if their birth star is common, this dosha does not prevail.

(v) Varga: (8- vargas-directions) The basis of this classification is the starting alphabet of the name of native. Which again is based on birth star and its quarter (Charan or Phase). Devanagari alphabets are grouped as under:

A- Varga (Vo.KZ) all the 16 vowels= Garund

K- Varga (Do.KZ)K, Kh, G, Gh etc.= Cat

Ch- Varga (Po.KZ) Ch, Chh, J, Jh etc= Lion

T- Varga (Vo. KZ) T, Th, D, Dh, N= Dog

T- Varga (Ro. KZ) T, Th, D, Dh, N= Cobra

P- Varga (lo. KZ) P, Ph, B, Bh, M= Rat

Y- Varga (lo. KZ) Y, R, L, V or W= Deer

Sh- Varga (lo. KZ) S, Sh, or C, H= Ram as in Aries

On counting from any varga the fifth is enemy, 4th is friend and third is neutral. The enemity should be avoided.

(vi) Vaishya- this literally means submissi- veness, amenability or subservience. This ensure mutual adjustability. The basis is Radical Moon sign and biological classification of the sign.

For 1 (Aries) = 5 (Leo) and 8 (Scorpio) are amenable

For 2 (Taurus) = 4 and 7 are amenable

For 3 (Gemini) = 6 –do-

For 4 (Cancer) = 8and 9 –do-

For 5 (Leo) = 7 –do-

For 6 (Virgo) = 3 and 12 –do-

For 7 (Libra) = 6 and 10 –do-

For 8 (Scorpio) = 4 –do-

For 9 (Sagittarius) = 12 –do-

For 10 (Capricorn) = 1 and 11 –do-

For 11 (Aquarius) = 1 –do-

For 12 (Pisces) = 10 –do-

(vii) A Brahmin must compare the Nadi. A Kshatriya must compare the Varna.

Avaishya must compare the Gana. A Shudra must compare the Yoni. As a matter of fact everybody should compare them to ensure smooth matrimonial life.

(viii) Apart from these six considerations, the birth signs or Rashis or radical Moon signs should not fall 2/12/, 5/9 and 6/8 when counted from each other. The last pair is worst of all and should be avoided out right. Other pairs can be allowed if squarely compensated from the other considerations such as Rashi- Maitri, Lagnesh- Maitri, Seventh Lord- Maitri and a high score of marks obtained from the comparison chart (Malapak- Sarni- Matri Tables given in the Panchanga)

All precaution have been taken for the ‘Gunas’ mentioned. You may re- check of the Panchangas.

Shanker Adawal

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Who will win today’s Cricket Match, How Astrology work on Cricket

Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBA)

It is accepted by all astrologers and lovers of astrology that Mundane Astrology has been neglected and has not received its due alternation from the scholars of the Deviance Science. Be that as it May, and knowing that Mundance astrology is a difficult subject, and attempt is made on more principles as applicable to sports-astrology on cricket.

To start with it is necessary to signify the planets responsible for Cricket – the moose popular out-door to play. Apart from being representative of the 'young (Kumar), the grassy-ground comes order its domain thought the sophisticating cutting of the grass and preparation of the ground for play gets to Mars and Venus. For a sportsman, Mars gives the necessary energy. The weather conditions have also to be looked and accordingly the sign of the Zodiac in which the configuration of planets takes place equally become important with reference to the dates of ply. The earthy signs and Airy sings are more important though dual signs become important though dual signs become important fro the 'Toss' to start with.

In Mundane Astrology, the 5th house is the representative of all places of amusement, entertainment and pleasure. All out-door sports would be looked from the 5th house. This also becomes the source of excitement. This also becomes the source of excitement. This astrological principle is established in the case of Azharuddin, Capt. Of the Indian team World Cup, 1996. He has Sun, Saturn, Mercury and Ketu in the 5th house aspected by the Moon, Mars and Rahu. The Moon in own sign with Budda-Aditua Yoga gave the needed strength to the native. (DOB -08.02.1963, TOB- 10.25 PM, POB-Hyderabad) though we are discussing supports point of view, romantic rifts (divorce, separation etc.) including stress from the women cannot be rules out as 7th house is aspected by Saturn, 2nd house is aspected by Mars, 2nd Lord is hemmed by malefics and benefit, 12th Lord the Sun is under the grip of Saturn/Mars/R.K.

For predicting the winner of any team the horoscopes of the country concerned, of the country concerned, of the Captain and of the country/Town where the match is playing become more important. It may be recalled that Rains in Pakistan on one of the scheduled day of play did not allow the match to be played.

Predication with regard to defeat of INDIA made on 24th February, 1996 Via Horary had come true on 2nd March, 1996 when India was defeated by Sri-Lanka. With regard to planetary transit of India's Horoscope (Taurus Lagna), the 5th house of sports occupied by Rahu in Virgo also speak of the victory to a foreign country. Weak Saturn with Ketu aspected the Lagna. Mars also aspected the Lagna Venus the Lagna Lord had no strength as it has just entered Aries (12th house on 01.03.1996). Ruing Nakshtra Pushaya and the week day Saturday also contributed to the defeat of India on 02.03.1996. without dwelling on the defeat of India, following observations are made:

i). It is not only the country's horoscope and that of the Captain that decides the winning of the match but also of all the Members of the team as members have equally an important role-to play.

ii). the predictive notes should be made on the basis of possible planetary and horoscopes of the countries concerned. Be that as it may, horary chart andtransit of planets at the place where match is being played to determine the fate of the Term concerned.

iii). The horary prediction on 24th February, 1996 was made w2ith the help of COURT CHART i.e. with reference to Nakshtra. The natal Nakshtra and the transit Nakshtra of the day do determine the fate of the match.

iv). Bad planetary position had given rise to various internal rifts including the order from the Government on the eve of Delhi Match that Kokla ground is unsafe and also bad-planetary position forthe Match day. India lost to Sri-Lanka on 02.03.1996.

The conception of the wills Cups for 1996 tool plan on 12th May, 1995 when the World Cup Cricket Organizing Committee formalized its agreement. Venus had entered Aries, Mars had no strength (entered Leo on 11.05.1995), the Sun had also weakened and so was the case with Saturn. Mercury was to conjunct with Retrograde Jupiter shortly. This also confirms that India and Pakistan, with weak Lagans intransit had no chance to win-rather the bad planetary position gave rise to 'Ominous start to Cup of Woes' on 12 th Feb. 1996 at Calcutta.

Few words about the planetary position on past matches. On 19.02.1995, Pakistan beat Zimbabwe (won series by 2-1) because of better strength of Sun, Saturn, Mercury and Venus though Mars (R) (Lagna Lord) was weak. On 22.11.1995 India defeated West India (Bombay) under captainship of Moh. Azhruddin because of very strong seventh house (5 planets). On 03.05.1995, Australia indicated a crushing defeat on West Indies because of Sagittarius and its Lord Jupiter/Retrograde) aspecting the Moon and Mercurry and also aspecting the Sun in exaltation sing. The 'draw' match on 28.08.1995 between England and West Indies is also proves astrologically. For England (Aries Lagna), the 6th house with Moon, Mars and Numerically become powerful and for West Indies the Lagna becomes powerful (ruling sign Virgo). Again 29.10.1995, there was 'draw' between India and Newzealand because powerful planetary position of India (Sun Venus in 6th house) and Mars and Jupiter in 7th house.

From the above it is clear that apart from the country's horoscope, horoscope of the Captain, planets in transit have and important say for the winner or loser. Similarly, other circumstances including of weather cannot be ignored.

Shanker Adawal

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Astro Fashion – A New Concept

Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBA)

The subject of Fashion is of universal appeal. Today most of the people wear clothes and jewelry according to the fashion in vogue. Style and preferences are clearly visible and these differ from individual to individual. Fashion, in fact is a personal statement of Head, Mind & Heart.
Human being i.e. self has unlimited potential which can be exploited to cross any boundary. How to manage self and to tap the magical influence of clothing and jewelry most effectively for success and prosperity can be answered with the help of knowledge as contained in our ancient scriptures. Astrology, as a knowledge, which is a part of India Vedas can provide answer to this problem. Astrology reveals the relationship between the space and time. Planetary force indicates the manner in which pre- destined career of an individual is determined. These can be used to increases wealth longevity, power and popularity. Gems and clothing can maintain the figure and keep an individual ever young. They can be considered as a sarong line of defense against any disease.
Developing fashion according to astrological consideration can be of great help to an individual. In astrology Zodiac has been divided into 12 equal parts which are known as 12 signs of the zodiac. These signs play very important role in molding the personality of an individual and each sign has certain important characteristics which are visible in the personality of an individual born in these signs:

The characteristic of the people born in different signs are as under:
1. ARIES: Middle status, lean and muscular body, fairly long neck, bushy eyebrows. Preference for blood red and other deep colors, pushful and aggressive nature, love for attaining glory, passion to be the head of all, love for enterprise, always worried about self and can never sacrifice personal desires for others, adventures, fond of arguments and quarrels, limitless confidence, sets up own standards of right and wrong, very successful in short term limitless confidence assignments.

Metals and Gems best suited- Gold, copper, coral, red woolen shawl.
2. TARUS: middle stature, pulpy body, broad forehead, thick and stout neck, dark hair. Elegant style , preference for white and romantic colors which reflects emotional nature, practical way of dressing, amicable, cheerful, ambitious, found of ease, love and luxury, unbounded perseverance, highly diplomatic, too deep to be understood , self will, self esteem, spends all his earnings in ornaments, horticulture and things of material components, deep knowledge and institution.

3. GEMINI: Tall and well formed body, more than average height, long slender hands, clear speech.

Liking for green color clothes, Sober, pleasing styles, preference for tradition, pre- dominate in their observing style, yet do not compromise with glamour, sympathetic, intellectual ability, capable of grasping situations on the spur of the moment, perfection in every pursuit, business like attitude, brilliant writer and orator, unusual power of adaptability can make friend easily.

Metal and Gems best suited- Base metal, gold, silver, and emerald.
4. CANCER: Short stature, upper part of the body longer than lower, round face, timid look, dull complexion. Linking for whitish red color, fertile imagination, ability to imitate others, unstable, lacking energy, lives in feelings and emotions, reserved, domestic attachments, can not be relied upon as a friend, short temper, impatient, capacity of organizing, planning and commanding.

Metal and Gems best suited – Silver, Pearl.

5. LEO: Full stature, well developed bones, broad shoulders, commanding and royal appearance. Preference for light grey and masculine colors and garments, majesty and grace reflected in style and preference, generous, ambitious, firm will. forgiving spirit, endurance, confidence, broad outlook, leadership, attains eminence and fame, interested in fine arts, highly successful, love is blind for him, brilliant orator.

Metal and Gems best suited- Gold, copper, ruby.

6. VIRGO: Slender body, dark hair and eyes, curved eyebrows with much hair, shrill voice. Liking for feminine color but sober with immaculate dressing and stitching, highly intellectual and analytical, too critical, practical, carefulness, nervousness, impulsive, usually very shy.

Metal and Gems best suited- Base metal, gold, silver, and emerald.

7. LIBRA: Tall, slender, well proportioned strong body, beautiful and graceful outlook, fine skin, gleaming eyes.

Linking for dark colors with balanced texture and style, Gorgeous and lively garments, one has to be very particular while designing Libra garments, gentle, compassionate, courteous, honest, native craves for justice, harmony, love and peace at any cost, high degree of intuition, perceptive abilities, power of comparison, upright, systematic, flexible, sensitivity, love of pleasure, correctly weight pros & cons of both sides, always craves for society, involved in frequent trouble, preference for socialization and partying.

Metal and Gems best suited- Silver, Copper, and Diamond.

8. SCORPIO: Middle stature, well proportioned body and limbs, robust health, broad face, curly hairs.

Linking for gold color clothing’s, not very particular about texture and appeal, frank fairness, great tenacity for will power, fertile mind, intelligence, unusual vitality, destructive ego, unusual interest in physics subjects and mysteries of nature, excellent research worker, enormous confidence in executive ability, very sexy.

Metal and Gems best suited- Gold, Copper, and Coral.

9. SAGITTARIUS: Well developed and handsome figure, fairly large and high forehead, tall long and big nose, light brown hair.

Linking for yellow color garments, style and preference of garments, reflects independence, frank, honest, generous, learns many branches of science, ambitious, full of hope, justice systematic, never leaves the work unfinished, desire for learning philosophy, happy and cheerful, systematic, religious.

Metal and Gems best suited- Gold, Topaz, yellow sapphire.
10. CAPRICORN: Weak slender body, thin face, dark coarse hair.
Preference for multi- colored clothing, not very particular about clothing, prudence, thought fullness, reasoning, practical, love of power, self reliant, early intellectual, scholar, deep thinker, reserved nature, pessimistic, enormous patience, economical, selfishness, victim of circumstances, impediment speech, cannot cultivate friendship with a stranger.

Metal and Gems best suited- Lead, coal, blue sapphire.
11. AQUARIUS: Middle stature, well built, strong fair complexion with light brown hair. Preference for dark brown colored clothing’s, preference for new creative style, lover of nature broad human understanding, love of study, goes deep into the subject, out spoken, humane, democratic, reserved and carefully weighs pro and cons before execution, lover of fine art, ideas and notions are fixed, intelligent, slow, silent worker, research on scientific lines, works for common and down trodden cause, fondness for domestic life, successful social worker.

Metal and Gems best suited- Lead, coal, blue sapphire.

12. PISCES: Short, pulpy figure small hand and feet, round shoulders light and silky hair. Preference for violet color clothing’s, preference for sober garments, liking for ultimate combination of color and texture, restless, imaginative, romantic, upright, honest, swayed by others, attracted towards all kind of pleasure and rich food, not able to make speedy progress in the material world, extremely sympathetic, forgiving, reliable.

Metal and Gems best suited- gold, topaz, yellow sapphire.

The concept of garments & jewelry according to zodiac signs leads us to the following statement for each sign:

1. Aries- ‘The killer instinct’

2. Taurus- ‘The Millennium woman’

3. Gemini- ‘Life is Adventure’

4. Cancer- ‘Where Past, Present & Future Converge’

5. Leo- ‘The Graceful Glance’

6. Virgo- ‘The Immaculate Conception’

7. Libra- ‘We’

8. Scorpio- ‘The Fire of Passion’

9. Sagittarius- ‘Freedom is my Birthright’

10. Capricorn- ‘Life is Action’

11. Aquarius- ‘ The Rebel’

12. Pisces- ‘Let us Create’

Astro- Fashion is basically a combination of astrology and fashion. This creates a synergy that counters the ill effects of stars and exalts the favorable aspects. Clothes & jewels with their various attributes like color, texture, shape, metals, and gems can play an important role in human life directly and subtly and every human being, being distinct, has personal preferences and traits to go with that. This has an astrological link, for our lives & personality are very much dictated by heavenly bodies. By making certain changes in fashion, we may do lot of good to a person in improving quality of life & managing ‘self’. The concept of Astro Fashion being thought of first time is to create awareness on how to capture & tap the magical influence of stars most effectively for success & prosperity through clothing & jewelry that everybody wears.

Shanker Adawal

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Special Predictive Notes With Reference to Transit (Gochar)

Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBA)

When birth chart is stronger, well placed Lagna Lsord, then the Jupiterian years (12 years) works well. If Navamsa is stronger than Lagna chart then 30 years (Saturnine) cycle works well. Sun and Mars culminates these events in the beginning of a Rasi say with- in 10 degrees, Venus & Jupiter between 10 and 20 degrees (middle of a Rasi) and Moon and Saturn between 20 to 30 degrees (last part of a Rasi) while Mercury and Rahu furnish results throughout the Rasi. The timing could be narrowed down depending upon the longitude gained by the planet and proportionately reduced.

2. Sarvashta-Varga
i.) For good events to happen the total bindus in Sarvashtavarga in respect of Saturn and Jupiter must be 58 and above and with a minimum of least 25 bindus for each one of them.

ii.) If in individual Ashtakvarga (Binnasahtakvarga) Saturn and Jupiter have a minimum of 5 bindus and 28 or more in Sarvashtavarga produce good results. If the Bindus are 3 or less and (25 or less in Sarvashtavarga) it indicates bad results.

iii.) If a planet is in Agocharavastha (i.e. posited in 6/812/ debilitation/ Combustion/ at the extreme sides of a Rasi (i.e. or 29 degree) they tend to give unfavorable results as per Sarvartha Chintamani).

iv.) Planets give the kind of results good or bad more effectively when they aspect the same house and same Lord (in transit) which they accepted in the natal chart.

3. Vedha

i.) “Vedha” is an obstructing force or points which affect the good effect of the transacting planet in a particular sign. The planets during their transit produce good results if the sign concerned has more than four bindus, aspected by benefic and not having “Vadha”. If a planet causes Vedha the results that would be yielded by the planet in transit are thwarted by Vedha causing planet. Sun produces good effects while transiting 3, 6, 10 & 11th houses provided there is no other planet accepting the Sun from the 7th house therefore while in transit. However Saturn in transit posted 7th from the Sun in transit does not cause Vedhas there is supposed to be no obstruction between father and son, Moon in Transit causes good effects while transiting 1, 3, 6,7,10 and 11th house and deemed to have been obstructed if any other planet is transiting the houses 5, 9, 12, 2, 4 & 8 respectively except of course Mercury who happens to be his son.

ii.) Mars and Saturn have Subhasthanas of houses 3,6,11 while in Transit and their Vedhasthannas are 12, 5, 9, respectively. But no other planet simultaneously should transit the house 12 while Mars or Saturn transit 3rd house. There should be no planet transiting the 5th house or 9th house when Mars or Saturn transits the 6th or 11th house.

iii.) Mercury will provide good results when it transits the houses 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 & 11 and the relative Vedhasthans are 5, 3, 9, 1, 8 &12 respectively. Jupiter’³ Subhasthanas are 2,5,7,9 & 11 and Vedhasthanas are 12, 4,3,10 & 8 respectively. Venus in Transit produces good results in the houses 1,2,3,4,5,8,9,11 & 12 (except 6,7 &10) and their respective Vedhasthanas are 8,7,1,10,9,5,11,6 & 3.

iv.) Rahu and Ketu Subhasthanas are similar to the Sun i.e. 3,6,10 & 11 but their Vedhasthanas are 9,12,4 & 5 respectively.

v.) If there is no Vedha at a time when a planet ransacks his Subhasthanas then he gives rise to the full good effect of Transit provided he has more than four bindus in his own Ashtakvarga.

i.) There are two schools of thoughts. According to Narada Vedhasthana is to be counted from Janma Rasi. Another school of thought count Vedhasthana from theSubhasthana of the Planet. Both are followed. But first one is preferred in view of better results. I am counting Vedharthana from Janma Rasi.

One must also consider another aspect called ‘Vipreet Vedha’. Suppose the Sun is in the 11th, according to Gochara the results will be honour and health, wealth and success. These good effects are produced only when the 5th (a house of Vedha) is not simultaneously transited by any planet other than Saturn. Conversely if the Sun in the 5th in course of Gochara, no evil will be produced provided 11th is being transitted by any other planet except Saturn. Similarly Vipreet Vedhasthana must be considered for all planets and the results predicted.

6. Value of weekly or monthly predictions given in Newspaper and Magazines?
i.) The Western astrologers take the radical position of the Sun at the time of birth and consider the relative position of the Planets transiting the Zodiac and give out their results. The Indian astrologers release the transiting position of the Moon with reference to Janama Rasi of the Native and predict the results both auspicious and inauspicious.

ii.) But the methods adopted are incomplete in the sense that without analysis of the birth chart the transit movement would serve no purpose. The Dasa system also should be favorable to fructification of the event. In the absence of these relevant and important data the predictions so made in News papers can only be applied generally. They may be relevant to a few persons but not all.

iii.) Take for example the case of two persons born on the same day and month but of a different year. The Sun in both the cases would be in the same Rasi and degrees. If both of them contest an election in the same constituency it is but natural one has to win and the other has to lose. But Sun in Transit would be favorable to both. It is not possible for both to win the same seat in such a contingency unless their horoscopes are as studied.

7. If we examine from Nakshtra angle (i.e. Janma Rasi) and Transit of the Moon, then too one cannot find the results for that would be applicable in all cases. A Pushya Nakshtra native can be a Police Inspector and arrest a criminal having Pushya Nakshatra. While the former will be happy the latter will be behind the bars.

8. Sravana Nakshatra born person could have a dispute and file a law suit against another Sarvana Nakshatra native. Ironically suppose the judge hearing their case was also born in Sarvana Nakshatra one will pronounce judgment, one will receive favorable decision while the third will lose the case. If the Moon in transit in all the cases is in favorable Subha- Sthana for these natives the prophecies found in the newspaper or magazine would appear to be not relevant to one of them. Hence to predict the transit results taking only the star position into account is incomplete.

9. The forecasts made on Janma Rasi or the Sun’s position can be general and as such having favorable assspects according to present Dasa and Antar Dasa in their horoscope will have favorable results from the indications made in dailies or weeklies while those having adverse aspects will experience these predictions to a lesser proportion. I wish all astrologers could evolve a fool proof and accurate method by which a correct prediction can be offered. A daily/ weekly/ fortnightly complete chart is therefore necessary with all Vargas and Dasa periods and the position of all planets transiting is to be judged with the position of all planets in the Chart. This is to ensure that the predictions published in newspapers and magazines do not vary widely than the actual happening so that the Divine Science may not suffer from severe criticism.

10. It may also be mentioned that transit, however, strong it may be can bring about what is not found in the natal chart. Transit results are to be studied in totality with other observations found in the Natal chart and Dasa and antar Dasa period prevailing at that time. Isolated analysis of transit effects from the Ascendant or the Moon or the Sun or from any planet will not give accurate results. Predicting events on the basis of simple transit of Jupiter or Saturn or Mars or any other sign is also very risky.

Planets do not give the same kind of transit result through out their transit in any particular sign. Transit results depend upon every degree of their movement Nakshtra and what is promised in the natal chart accourding to prevail Dasa, Bhuk this Ashtakvarga position- must br taken into account. These results would also depend upon Vedha concept, relationship between Janma Nakshtra and the Nakshtras of the planet in Transit. For example, when the Moon is in Aries look to Mars/ Ketu/ Venus/ Sun as the Moon Changes Nakshtra- Aswini, Bharni and Kritika-I.

Shanker Adawal

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Some Basic Lessons in Vedic Astrology

Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBA)

1. Introduction
In India, astrology is called Jyotish, a Sanskrit word that is derived from two roots, “Jyoti and Isha” which respectively mean ‘Light and God’. Jyotish is the science of light, both the light of the celestial bodies and the internal light of the soul. It is a gift was bestowed upon humanity by the ancient rishis (sages) and has been passed on from generation in an oral and written form. Jyotish unfolds the knowledge of how the planets and the stars influence an individual human life as well as the life of the nations, and the globe. It sheds light on our lives.
Vedic Astrology uses extremely accurate astronomical calculations to determine the position of the stars and the planets to predict the future of individuals as well as mundane affairs; therefore, Jyotish is referred to as predictive astrology.

Jyotish has numerous practical applications. The main one is predicting one’³ life events, as well as understanding how the heavenly bodies influence our lives and which particular planets are responsible for favorable occurrence in specific areas of life. A human being is a creation of the cosmos; therefore, all the facets of human existence, including the past, present and future are intimately connected to the influence of the planets and the stars.

Through Vedic Astrology one can analyze and interpret the quality and intensity of an individual’s karma within various aspects of life. One of the most important areas of Vedic Astrology is important areas of Vedic Astrology is ‘Upaya’ (Sanskrit word for method), the body of knowledge that deals with remedial measures for improving and correcting adverse planetry influences, as well as strengthening and promoting the positive ones. Vedic Astrology provides us with tools and means to predict and time the events that are going to take place in one’³ life but more so, it renders instructions on how to improve the quality of life in order to enjoy the totality of existence.

2. Astronomical Basis of Vedic As--
The imaginary sphere in the space surrounding our entire solar system in known as the celestial sphere. The projections the earth’s equator on this sphere is known as celestial equator. The apparent path of Sun around the Earth is known as ecliptic. The zodiac is a belt of heavens extending about 8° on both sides of the ecliptic. It encircles the space through which the planets travel in their orbits. When the Sun moves of celestial equator towards the north the point where it cuts the celestial equator is called vernal equinox and the point of intersection during sun,³ motion from north to south in called autumnal equinox. It has been observed that the vernal equinox- that is the first point of Aries from where the longitudes of all the planets are measured in not a fixed point. Each year when sun reaches the vernal equinox the position of earth with respect to a fixed star known as Revati is found to be nearly 50.3 seconds of arc of space farther West than the Earth was at the same equinoctial moment of the previous year. Thus the equinoxes recede back along the ecliptic. The angular distance between the first point from where the fixed Zodiacs commences and the vernal equinox point is known as Ayanamsha.

The Hindu system of astrology observes the fixed zodiac also known as Niryana zodiac that is the first degree of Aries is reckoned from a particular star in Revati group of stars, which is fixed. However, the Western System of astrology observes movable zodiac also known as Sayana, a zodiac that reckons the first degree of Aries from the vernal equinox. It is estimated that both these zodiacs coincided in the year 285 AD. The value of Ayanamsha as on 1.1.2003 is 23°53’ 40.97”. The Niryana positions of the planets in Hindu astrology are calculated by deducting the value of Ayanamsha thus calculate from the corresponding Sayana position of planets as followed in Western astrology.

The starting points of the sidereal (fixed) and tropical zodiacs (movable) coincide once every 25, 800 years. After that the starting points separate from each other by an approximate 1-degree of an arc per each 72 years (approximately 50.3 second arc per year). The difference between the longitude of the starting points of the sidereal and topical zodiacs at any given time is the Ayanamsha.

Due to the existing controversy about the year in which two starting points coincided last, there are several ayanamashas used by different school of Vedic Astrologers. Some of them are Lahiri, Krishnamurti, Raman and Fagan Ayanamasha. Lahiri is the most widely used ayanamsha, which is based on the last coincidence point taking place in the year for the birth of the native born in 1975 is 23:31:09 degrees.
If you want to convert sidereal (Vedic) planetary positions into tropical (Western, you can do so by adding this ayanamsha to the degrees of the planets in natives Vedic chart. To arrive to the sidereal positions by converting the tropical ones, you will need to subtract the ayanamsha from the tropical positions. For example, a native’s Sun is placed in 15:07 degrees of the constellation of Gemini in native’s Vedic chart. When you add the ayanamsha for the year of birth, which is 23:31:09 degree, you will derive the tropical (Western Astrology) horoscope position of natives Sun, which happens to be placed in the sign of Cancer. Therefore native’s Jyotish (sidereal) Sun sign is Gemini and natives Western (tropical) Sun sign is Cancer.

For predictive purposes yotish looks at the position of the planets in relation to their placement in the Zodiac at the time of one’³ birth. These positions reveal how the universe was functioning at that instance. In a way, planets are like 9 special measuring points from which the entire subtle state of natural law can be measured. At the time of birth, when the body enters the world, this state of the universe gets projected into the structure of the life of the individual. Therefore, the conditions of the nine planets, define the entire life span of events and circumstances for an individual.

3. The Planets- The 9 Planets
We just mentioned nine planets, even though not all of them are actual planets. Only five of them are planets, one is a star, one is a moon, and the remaining two are special mathematical points. Everyone is familiar with the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. The other two elements included into the group are Rahu and Ketu as the North and South Lunar nodes. Rahu and Ketu do not have physical substance; they are two mathematical points that make the point of intersection of the plane of the Moon’s orbit around the Earth with the ecliptic plane. Lunar or solar eclipses occur when the Sun and Moon are close to one of the nodes. This group of “Planets” is also referred with a Sanskrit term Planets.

Each Planet (planet) represents certain facets of human life: Traditional Vedic astrology does not consider the influence of Neptune, Uranus and Pluto.

The Planets Mercury and Venus orbit in the space between the Sun and the Earth and are known as inner planets or inferior planets. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, whose orbits are on the outer side of the Earth, are known as outer planets or superior planets. Rahu and Ketu always move in the reserve direction, i.e. they have retrograde motion. The Sun and the Moon are never retrograde. The remaining planets are direct in their motions but in the course of their journey in the Zodiac. The two relative motions they appear to become stationary for a while, get backward movement and again after some time, they regain their natural courses. This phenomenon of going backward is known as retrograde when they are at a certain distance from the Sun. These planets have natural friendship and enmity amongst themselves. Here are the names of the Planets in Sanskrit:

Sun is Surya

Moon is Chandra

Mars is Mangala

Mercury is Budha

Jupiter is Guru

Venus is Shukra

Saturn is Shani

The North Node is Rahu

The South Node is Ketu

Planets have primary and secondary significations. Here is the list of the primary planet significations assigned by the sage Parashara (the author of Birhat Parashara Hora Shasta):

Sun signifies the soul.

Moon signifies the mind.

Mars signifies energy.

Mercury signifies speech.

Jupiter signifies knowledge.

Venus signifies reproduction.

Saturn signifies grief.

The Sun’s annual path is known as ecliptic. The belt of Heavens expending 8 degree on either side of the ecliptic is known as the zodiac. The Planets (planets) are constantly moving through the Zodiac. The circle of the Zodiac is divided into 12 equal segments called constellations or rashi (signs), Each rashi (sign) occupies 30 degrees of the celestial space. Each of the rashis (signs) has a unique set of attributes, which affect any Planet (Planet) travelling through the sign. The signs are environments that affect the way a planet feels and behaves. here is the 12 rashis (signs) listed in their natural order:

1. Aries (Mesha)

2. Taurus (Vrishabha)

3. Gemini (Mithuna)

4. Cancer (Karka)

5. Leo (Singha)

6. Virgo (Kanya)

7. Libra (Tula)

8. Scorpio (Vrishika)

9. Sagittarius (Dhanu)

10. Capricorn (Makara)

11. Aquarius (Kumbha)

12. Pisces (Meena)

4. Rashi Ruler ships

Every rashi (sign) has its particular ruler. The Sun and the Moon rule over one sign each, where as the rest of the Planets hold ruler- ship over two signs. Traditionally, Rahu and Ketu to rule the signs of Taurus (Alter: Gemini), Scorpio (Alter: Sagittarius) respectively. The sign ruler ship is a permanent value.

Aries (Mesha) & Scorpio (Vrishika) are ruled by Mars.
Taurus (Virshabha) & Libra (Tula) are ruled by Venus
Gemini (Mithuna) & Virgo (Kanya) are ruled by Mercury
Cancer (Karka) is ruled by the Moon
Leo (Singha) is ruled by the Sun
Sagittarius (Dhanu) & Pisces (Meena) are ruled by Jupiter
Capricorn (Makara)& Aquarius (Khumbha) are ruled by Saturn

5. The 12 Bhava (Houses)

The Zodiac is divided in one more way. Relative to the position of the Earth, the zodiac is divided into 12 bhava (houses). Just as the proper motion of planets is reflected by their degree positions in rashis (signs) the diurnlas (illusionary, relative motion of the planets are perceived from the Earth) motion of the planets is shown by their placement in astrological houses. The houses represent the various areas of life. The areas of life are affected by the planets and signs that occupy the corresponding bhava (houses). The twelve bhava (houses) represent the totality of existence as experienced by a human being.

The sign where the Lagna (Ascendant) falls is known as the first house or Lagna. The next Sign is second houses, next the third and so on. In Vedic system the sign and the house are deemed synonymous. However, in Western astrology they cusp of a house is the commencing point and the first house is constituted by space covering about 30 degree beyond the cusp; but in Vedic astrology, the cusp is the midpoint of a house and extends to 15 degree on either side. Zodiac is constantly moving and all the 12 signs get an opportunity to become lagna in the 24 hours comprising a day. Janma Rashi means the sign- containing Moon at the time of birth and this sign is called Chandra lagna and is as important as the lagna itself. Here is a main signification’s of each house:

The First House represents the self

The Second House represents financial assets.

The Third House represents courage

The Fourth House represents happiness

The fifth House represents children

The Sixth House represents enemies

The Seventh House represents spouse

The Eight House represents vulnerable points

The Ninth House represents fortune

The Tenth House represents your career

The Eleventh House represents income

The Twelfth House represents the end of everything

So far, we have briefly covered the general principles of the three main components of Jyotish: the Planets (Planets) the Rashis (sign) and the Bhavas (Houses). The positions of the planets in the sign and houses are depicted in what is called the Horoscope. Evaluation the understandinfg of the interactive influence of these three main elements constitutes the interpretation of your horoscope.

6. Stars of Nakshatras

The entire zodiac has been divided into 27 equal parts 13 degrees and 20 minutes each known as nakshatra or asterism or a constellation (Moon mansion). Every constellation has been assigned a planetary ruler. Ketu is the ruler of the first constellation starting from 0 degree of Aries and then the ruler ship of Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury follow in this sequence till the end of the Sign Cancer. The same sequence starts from 0 Degree Leo and 0 degree Sagittarius and continues till Scorpio and Pisces end respectively.

7. Time

All are aware of the time measure known as local mean time, standard time for any country or Zone and the Greenwich Mean Time. There is another system/ measure of time known as Sidereal Time that is derived from the Earth’s rotation with respect to a fixed star. The duration of sidereal day is 23 hour 56 minutes. Whenever the time is reckoned with reference to the sidereal day, it is called Sidereal time. The Sidereal time. The Sidereal Time is zero hour when the beginning of Aries (in Sayana system) crosses the observer’s meridian.

In astrology, the first house in reckoned from lagna (Ascendant) point. The lagna or the ascendant is the rising Sign in the Eastern horizon at a particular epoch. It is the point on intersection of the ecliptic at a given time with the horizon of a place. The lagna is dependent on the rotation of the Earth on its axis and so it is dependent on the Sidereal Time of a place at a given moment or epoch. The longitude of the lagna point (cusp) of the first house.

Shanker Adawal

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