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Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Remedies: Introduction, Chapter I, Part – 8

Dr. Shanker Adawal


The use of mantras is also a very important form of Yoga, and it is especially recommended as a powerful astrological remedy, as well as a spiritual practice and meditation technique.

A Mantra is a sound formula, either a syllable, a word or a combination of words, that when repeated enough times with the right intonation, devotional feeling and concentration of the mind, has the capacity to change the vibrations on the astral body, neutralizing or changing the negative effects of the adverse planetary influences.

The Mantras are sounds discovered or “heard” by the Rishis on deep meditation states. No one can “invent” a mantra.

The Vedic Rishis and Yogis understood the process of creation of the world in the form of sound vibrations. Everything in the universe has a particular sound vibration, which can be heard in meditative states.

Thought itself is nothing but sound, in a particular wavelength. Each thought has not only a particular sound, but also a corresponding shape, colour, size and weight.

Sound and form go together. Besides each form or shape there is a sound vibration, a name, and vice versa.

The Sanskrit alphabet was made from the sound heard on the different chakras and Nadis (astral tubes), and that’s why the mantras are in Sanskrit language.

Mantras are actually, what the Sanskrit language is made of. When a Mantra is repeated correctly, it activates those nadis and chakras.

Repeating a mantra is therefore a way we can manipulate and change the vibratory level on our astral body and activate the Kundalini Shakti or spiritual transformational power.

Each Planet also has a vibratory level and sound associated. All the actions and thoughts, the karmas that we have created on the past, even past lives, create a particular type of sound and colour pattern in our mind and astral body.

That sound and colour pattern in our astral body is what attracts the life events.

In what we think, we become. According to the vibration of our astral body we will attract a material situation, a life experience related to that vibration.

The position of the planets at the moment of birth and their continuous movements, transits and periods of influence (dashas) affect our mind and astral body, triggering, amplifying and releasing those past impressions of the karmas into an actual experience, which makes the different life situations manifest in different ways at different times.

So, by repeating a mantra we can invoke a high and positive level of astral energy that can neutralize and change the negative patterns.

Each Planet has one or more Mantras which when repeated help to transform their negative effect into the positive one. It is like “healing” the effect of that planet on our astral body.

Each planet has also a presiding deity, whose mantra can be used with the same or even better effect.

Remember that the planets are nothing but the instruments of God to perform the law of Karma.

Even though God is one, it can be invoked in different ways to help us overcome and liberate from the grip of the planets.

There is a highest category of Mantras called the “Moksha Mantras” which are also called “the names of God”, and if repeated with sincere devotion and mental concentration, have the capacity to remove all karmic afflictions, independently of which planet is the afflicting one. It is recommended to choose one Moksha Mantra and focus on that one Mantra for the whole life as the “personal” mantra, or “Ishta Devata” mantra.

That mantra can also be chosen by looking at the birth chart.

The best situation is to receive the Mantra from an experienced or realized teacher or Guru, through a ceremony of “Diksha” or initiation. In this way the right pronunciation and intonation is learned, but the most important benefit of that is that the “Shakti” or power of the Mantra can be transmitted from teacher to disciple through invitation. Its power and effects will be greater and faster in this way.


Dr. Shanker Adawal
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