Dr. Shanker Adawal
Combination of two or more
planets or a combination of one or more planets with respect to some signs or a
combination of one or more planets with respect to some signs or a combination
of one or more planets with respect to the houses in the horoscope, into some
favourable or unfavourable result in a natives life. The classical Astrological
texts mention a baffling number of planetary combinations or the Yogas. Ancient
Astrological texts abound in various planetary combinations. Any specific
disposition of planets and planetary combinations which are capable of
producing some specific result is termed as Yogas.
The planetary combinations
giving favourable results are considered auspicious combinations and those
Yogas which give unfavourable results are considered inauspicious Yogas. Thus
the Yogas are formed by following three different ways:
Relation resulting from a combination of two or more planets.
There are several
combinations which involve angular relationship among the two or more planets
themselves, without having any specific reference to any of the twelve signs of
the zodiac or any of the twelve houses of the horoscope. Following are the
example of such planetary combinations:
Gajakesari Yoga, which involve only angular relationship between Jupiter and
Moon, without any reference to any sign or house of horoscope.
Chandra Mangala Yoga, which involve only conjunction of Mars and Moon, without
any reference to any sign or house of horoscope.
2. Relation
resulting from a combination of one or more planets with respect to some signs.
The planets obtain
strength and weakness depending upon the sign they gets positioned in within
zodiac. There are some Yogas which result only from the interrelationship of
various planets with different signs of the zodiac, without involving houses in
a horoscope, for example Nabhasa Yogas of Aashraya type which depend upon the
placement of planets in movable, fixed and mixed signs of zodiac.
Relation resulting from a combination of one or more planets with respect to
the houses in a horoscope. There are some Yogas which result only from the
interrelationship of various planets with different houses of horoscope,
without involving the signs of zodiac, for example several varieties of Nabhasa
Yogas, Lagnadhi Yoga and Kartari Yogas.
Relation resulting from a combination of one or more planets with respect to
the houses as well as signs in a horoscope. There are many Yogas which result
only from the interrelationship of various planets with different signs of
zodiac as well as different houses of a horoscope, for example Pancha
Mahapurusha Yogas, Raja Yogas, Dhan Yogas, Daridra Yogas and Arishta Yogas.
Although Yogas are
considered strong significations for any desired result arising from being
presence of any Yoga in a horoscope, but mere presence of any Yoga is not
enough to become assured of any desired result from that Yoga. The problem lies
in interpretation of the Yogas and judging any horoscope for these Yogas. All
the Astrological texts use strong language to describe the results of these
Yogas, but the strength and result of these Yogas depend on many other Astrological
factors which also must be properly judged any horoscope, while judging about
any Yoga in horoscope.
Dr. Shanker Adawal
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