Dr. Shanker Adawal
If planets exert their
influence on other departments of life, they do so on the means of livelihood
also. This is a natural inference. But in delineating the effects of planets on
the source and method of earning, we should not forget the basic principle of
astrology that all predictions should be made against the background of the
country, the times and hereditary and personal environment of the native.
Why is a child born of a
Negro couple dark though there may be the Moon, Jupiter and Venus in the
Ascendant? And why a child born of a white couple fair, though Saturn and Rahu
be in the 1st house? In India, what was the percentage of higher
education among women a hundred years back? And today, tens of thousands of girls
are taking degrees and diplomas.
These background
circumstances apply to means of livelihood also. In olden times when books on
astrology were written, people generally follow their hereditary vocations. A
barber’s son followed the barber’s profession and a grocer followed his father’s
trade. But the times have changed. A percentage of people is still carrying on
the profession or trade of their forefathers, but a large number of people have
drifted from hereditary occupations. People are migrating in increasing numbers
from the rural areas to the towns and industrial cities. As such, we have to
take account of the modern trends. This trend started in Western countries long
ago but has been more noticeable in India in the twentieth century.
Before dealing with the
rules laid down in the Sanskrit texts, I would like to take a leaf out of the
studies of Western astrologers. A book, Profession and Birth Date by Donald A
Bradley, published in 1950, has been made a statistical analysis of planetary
positions on the birth dates of 2,492 eminent American clergymen. The author
has analysed the positions of the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars. He
has also examined the Sun in standard decanate divisions, probabilities of
planetary retrogression and of particular planetary aspects. Despite a large
number of statistical tables, to my mind, no definite conclusions can be drawn
which may hold good and be applicable to all persons. Work has been done by
some other Western scholars on the basis of certain degrees in the tropical
zodiac which may incline a native in a particular direction, but we are very
far from pinpointing that a particular individual would follow a particular
profession and earn his livelihood by such a means.
I think a complete
horoscope with a chart indicating the planets in various houses can be a more
reliable data than mere birth date, where we do not know whether a particular
planet would fall in the 8th or the 9th, in the 11th
or the 12th. Still certain references are given from An Encyclopedia of Psychological Astrology
by Carter.
Doctors almost invariably
have either Virgo, Scorpio or Pisces prominent as well as often the
corresponding houses. It is very common to find Venus in aspect to Saturn or in
one of the Saturnine signs.
Common degree areas are
about 4 degree Cancer and Capricorn and sometimes the same parts of Aries and
Libra, while the corresponding degrees of Virgo and Pisces appear owing to
their connection with dietetics, 22 degree of the negatives signs seem to be
degrees of sympathy and befriending, the exact nature of the feeling being
decided by the sign involved in each case. From 18 to about 22 degree Leo and
Aquarius are often found to be tenanted.
Ability for this arises
from a strong Mercury and Gemini influence and seems particularly connected
with the middle of the sign rather than the beginning or the end. Other
degree-areas that obtain very commonly are 25 degree Cancer which appears
connected with romance; 25 degree Aries and Libra, idealism’ 25 degree
Sagittarius, sketches from life and 27 degree Taurus and Scorpio, realism. In
nearly all imaginative literature, the creative power is shown by planets in
Cancer or by the prominent Moon.”
Since the above two
declinations have been taken from Carter’s book, the degrees and signs should
be taken as in the tropical zodiac. More interest readers are referred to the
book itself.
The Wheel or Life or
scientific astrology by Maurice Wemyss, Volume II and III, deals with
professions and occupations and gives certain zodiacal degrees for particular
profession in alphabetical order. It is not possible to compass the contents of
these two volumes within the limited space of an article, but only two excerpts
are given to acquaint readers with the type of description.
Masters and Iron Merchants
Inaminate matter comes
under the dominion of Gemini and Sagittarius. The form of matter, i.e., whether
solid, gaseous, electric, crystalline or in transition, is indicated by
sub-blends, of 17 degree Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius-Leo, Pisces-Virgo,
Aries-Libra, Taurus-Scorpio, Gemini-Sagittarius respectively. In considering
iron, to what might be termed its quality, our attention must be directed. Its
quality is that of a metal and metallic substances are indicated by blend of
Aries-Libra, Mars and Neptune, more particularly the region of Aries-Libra 15
degree 20 degree. Among metals, the blend indicating iron and steel appears to
be approximately. Taurus-Scorpio 9 degree, Venus and Herschel.
I have, however, my own
doubts whether the above rules can be universally applied. According to Hindu
astrology, Saturn, who rules iron, must be prominent and strong.
Here again the difficulty
is whether all people having strong Saturn would incline them to the profession
of iron and steel. Saturn is a karaka (significator) for so many things. The
native may follow any of the profession which fail in the province of Saturn.
Take another examples from
the same book.
Dr. Shanker Adawal
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