Dr. Shanker Adawal
10. Swamukha – Upward sloping in the Southeast, Northeast and West Sectors and downward sloping in the Southwest sectors – causes poverty.
11. Syenaka – Downward sloping in the South east and upward sloping in Southwest, Northwest and Northeast Sectors – causes destruction or death.
Quality of earth
Soft earth – good.
Wet earth – good.
Muddy earth – not good.
Objects found at the time of digging
While digging in the Plot, the finding of Bricks or pieces thereof or Stone is good, whereas findings of frog, snake, black ants, bones, ashes, iron and shivalinga are not good for construction of a residential house. If the Idol of any deity is found, a temple should be constructed along with the residential house.
Road and Site
Site with one road
Road on North side | level should be lower. | Very good |
Road on East side | level should be lower | Very good |
Road on South | Level should be higher | Good |
Road on West side | Level should be higher | Good |
Site with two roads
Roads on North and East side | Roads are at lower level than the site | Very good |
Roads on North and South sides | Northern Road level should be lower | Fair |
Roads on North West sides | Northern Road level should be lower and the Western road level higher than the plot level | Very good site. |
Roads on East and West sides | Western Road should be at higher level than the Easatern Road. | Good site. |
Roads on East & South sides | Eastern Road should be at lower level and the Southern Road at higher level | Fair quality site. |
Roads on West and South side | Roads levels are higher than the site. | Fair |
Site with three roads
Roads on North, East and South side | Road should be higher. | Fair. |
Roads on North, West & South sides | Northern Road should be lower. | Fair. |
Roads on East, North – and West sides | Road in the Western side should be in the higher level | Very good. |
Roads on East, South & West sides | -Eastern Road should be at lower level | Fair. |
Site with four Roads
Roads in four sides of the Plot are excellent provided the roads in Western and Southern sides are in higher level than the other two roads.
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