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A Guide to Palmistry: The Characteristics of Lines and Marks, Chapter IV, Part – 2

Dr. Shanker Adawal


Are frequently seen, and always indicate a defect, but the kind of break will make a great difference as to its outcome. The wider the break the more serious it is. Broken lines may be repaired by the broken ends overlapping each other, or by a small cross line uniting them, by sister lines, or by a square enclosing the broken ends. Always a danger, they must be regarded seriously and from their sire or the repair signs present, the outcome and effect must be estimated.

One of the worst forms to be met is when the end of the line turns back after a break, especially if on the Life line; obviously this lessens the chance of repair, and it will generally result in disaster. Every turned-back line is a serious check, either to life, health, or career, accdording to the line on which it is found.

The Square

 It is an individual sign, and with but one exception always a good one. No matter what the breaks in a line or its menace, a Square around it will partially repair and minimize the danger. At times the Square is seen on a Mount, where it does not repair a break-such a Square indicates that the defects of the Mount will not predominate.

The exception to this general rule is a Square in the upper portion of Mount Venus, near to the Life line; in this position it indicates detention or incarceration.

The square is a very favourable sign where found, especially if it connects the two ends of a Broken main line (A, A’ and A fig. 2). A square on the broken Line of Vitality means protection from serious illness, on the Line of Mentality means safety from mental trouble and on the Line of Sun means safety against loss of money and so on. A square on the Mount of Jupiter (B. fig. 2) means high success and honours.

A square on the Mount of Saturn (C fig. 2) means escape from certain death. If a dot appears inside that square, it means escape from burning alive.

A square on the Mount of Mercury (D fig. 2) means safety from imprisonment.

A square at the place where the Line of Saturn meets with the Line of Mentality (E fig. 2); in a lady’s hand, means safety from hard delivery.

The Fork and Tassel

These signs are found at the termination of lines. Some lines fade away until lost in the capillary lines of the skin; some end abruptly, or with a cross or a dot, star or island, but often they terminate in a Fork or Tassel. These Tassels resemble a number of small short splits at the end of the line, and are often found at the end of a short Life line, Head or Heart line. But wherever found, they indicate the dissipation or gradual diffusion of the qualities of the line and the termination of its usefulness. If a Fork composed of two lines only terminates a line, it amounts to a split, and is not as bad as a Tassel.

The Dot

 It is not so frequently seen, but is worthy of notice. It needs no explanation as to its appearance, but it varies in size and depth. Dots are always a defect, either on a line or as an independent sign. Small Dots are not serious and often appear after a bad illness, generally of a nervous character. They may be of any colour, and are always subject to repair by a good square.

The Dot is a very bad sign where found on the Mount of Jupiter (A fig. 3) the dot threatens honour and love on the Mount of Saturn (B fig. 3), it means death by burning; on the Mount of Sun (C fig. 3), it threatens eyesight or loss of same in old age. A dot on the Mount of Mercury (D fig. 3) betrays a wicked nature and an expert in picking pockets. If a dot is found on the line of Vitality or Mentality (E and F fig. 3) it foretells a very dangerous fever, and even-death.

The Chained Line

This gives a line the appearance of being made up of a number of small lines joined together, forming a line which is not clear, even or deep this tells of a weak operation of the quality of the line it purports to be. If it is the Head line, it will show vacillation, want of self-control, headaches, and other brain disturbances. If only a portion of the line is thus chained, then the weakness only extends to the period covered by the defective line. The general mode of repair of such a defect is by a sister line or lines, running parallel to it.

Shanker Adawal
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