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Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Remedies: Self-help Suggestions, Chapter XIV, Part – 1

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Self-Help Suggestions

Faith means Faith in Self and Supreme. Believing is – Just believing, it is essentially, an active principle, a source of energy, a spring of movement. It verifies itself only in actions, its reality can only be made evident, through experience of its living work `Love  is – what love is, every one who loves, knows, no one who does not love, can never ever know. Having faith in self, your potential and love yourself to make yourself loveable. Self help suggestion, develops faith in own self, we are at the root of a life, which, as we believe in oneself, it will take eternity to fill our life in personal, with in that back ground exists personality. Those who help themselves can rise, if they think they can rise. A thought is necessary, a self help suggestion, is required to move on and on in life with faith in self. This is the very core of each human being and life and moves and works in life.

All our inner bodily and mental functions are under the control of our subconscious mind. It can cause any physical and mental change in us. And in hypnotism a suggestion in an idea given by the hypnotist to the subject, realized into action by the latter’s subconscious mind. Briefly defined, suggestion is an idea realized by the subconscious.

In hypnotism the idea is always given by the hypnotist. But it is not always necessary that an idea in order to be so realized should be given by a second person. Sometimes our own ideas are also realized by subconscious. Many diseases are caused by simply thinking that we have caught them, and many sensations can be caused by simply thinking of them.

This realization of the self ideas into the corresponding realities is called self help suggestion. It is Spontaneous if the idea arose in our mind spontaneously and reflective self help- suggestion if the idea is aroused voluntarily and deliberately. Reflective self help suggestion in which we give suggestions to ourselves deliberately. Here we shall give some instances of spontaneous suggestion where an idea spontaneously takes hold of our mind and produces bodily or mental changes in us. Then we shall describe some laws governing suggestions.

Once a young doctor went to a cinema with his wife. There she complained of giddiness and fainting, the doctor thus seeing his enjoyment threatened, took out something from his pocket and gave it to his wife saying `Keep this tablet in your mouth’. At once she felt better and the unpleasant feeling left her. After the show when they went home she took out the `tablet’ and to her surprise she found that it was merely a button; when the doctor gave it to her saying it to be a tablet of medicine, she thought something had been done to banish her unpleasant feeling and so it should go. This idea removed all feeling of fainting.

Similarly ideas can cause unpleasant feelings and actual diseases. So many examples can be cited. Most of the troubles of the hysterical women are due to mental reasons, simply caused by the belief that they have them. In fact hysteria is these days defined as a disease or disorder caused by an idea of this disease or disorder. And hysteria can imitate any disease. There are so many cases of hysterical paralysis, asthma, epilepsy, blindness, short sightedness, etc., besides innumerable sorts of aches and pains, both in men and women.

Modern books on Abnormal Psychology are full of such cases, especially those on psycho-analysis. Many diseases in which formerly mental factor was not even suspected are now shown to be solely due to mental reasons. Even diseases like boils, eczema, scabies are known to be caused solely by mental factors e.g. fears, beliefs or desires. Yes, in many cases disease are caused because the patients subconscious mind desire them in order to gain the sympathy of people around them, of parents, husbands etc. or to avoid unpleasant duties. The proof that these disease are due to the above stated reasons is that they are cured when the situation as discovered by an analysis of the patients mind and is explained to them and they are advised to change their ideas and attitudes. Psycho-analysis employ no other means of cure, no medicines, not even hypnotism or suggestion in other forms.


Dr. Shanker Adawal
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