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Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Remedies: Notable Herbs in Human Welfare, Chapter XV, Part – 18

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Pomegranate / Anar

The other names are Punica granatum, Lythraceae, Dadima.

The part used are fruit, rootbark, fruit husk. It is sweet, bitter, astringent, neutral.

It has tannin, inulin, mannitol, malic acid, calcium oxalate, pelletierine, and isoquerctrin. It has anthelmintic and astringent properties.

The fruit is considered a blood tonic. The juice is good for promoting digestion and all parts have stomachic properties, which can be augmented with small amount of cloves. The fresh juice has stronger tonic properties, particularly for blood and for pitta. I treats hiccoughs, diarrhea due to cold and deficiency, dysentery and kills and expels tapeworm and round worms. In a douche with root rind powder, it treats leucorrhoea, in gargle, throat irritation and mouth sores. The root bark is considered the superior anthelmintic, the peel a safer astringent.

Turmeric / Haldi

The other names are Curcuma longa, Zingiberaceae, Haridra.

The parts used are rhizome. It is bitter, pungent, heating, and astringent.

As essential oil; resin, curcumin, the yellow colouring matter; turmeric oil or turmerol. Turmeric / oil is a thick yellow viscid oil. The curry power owes its aromatic taste and smell to this oil. It is aromatic stimulant, cholagogue, analgesic, astringent, antiseptic, emmenagogue.

It relieves menstrual pains and helps reduce uterine tumours. It regulates the menses, aids digestion, dissolves gallstones, decongests the liver, may be combined with barberry. As tonic and aromatic; given in jaundice and in chronic bronchitis. When mixed with tila tela it is applied to the whole body to prevent skin eruptions. With kali chuna, powder of it is applied to bruises, sprains, contused wounds, black eye, with relief. A paste of it stops bleeding from leech bites.

A decoction of it is used as a cooling lotion in conjunctivitis, boiled in milk, a sweetened with jiggery (shaker), turmeric is a popular remedy for cold. Fumes of burning turmeric passed into the nostrils relieve coryza. Internally halada is given in affections of the liver and jaundice. On account of its yellow colour, cloth dipped in its paste is employed as an eye-shade. It is used in urinary diseases. And with Sajikhara as an internal application to reduce indolent swelling. Used externally or internally, turmeric promotes healing in cases of injury or trauma. Turmeric promotes proper metabolism in the body correcting both excesses and deficiencies. It helps in the digestion of protein. A condiment for cooking, it is the main ingredient in curry. It is a tonic for skin, taken internally as a milk decoction.

Ajwan / Wild celery seeds

The other names are Apium graveolens, Umbelliferae, Ajamoda.

It is pungent and heating. The part used are seeds. It is stimulant, expectorant, carminative, antispasmodic, diuretic. Ajwan is a powerful decongestant for both the respiratory and digestive tracts. It also promotes kidney function and energizes the nerves. It relieves intestinal spasms and vitalizes prana and vata.

An aromatic volatile oil and a crystalline substance which collects on the surface of the distilled water. This stearoptin, is know under the Hindustani name as Ajoliwankaphul, (Flowers of Ajowan) it is identical with English thymol contained in thymus vulgaris.

Diffusible stimulant, stomachic carminative, and antiseptic. The fruit combines the powerful stimulant qualities of capsicum, the bitter property of chiretta and antispasmodic virtues of asafetida and is of great service in cholera. As an antiseptic it removes offensive smell from foul ulcers. As a stomachic it increases the flow of saliva, augments eructations, heart burns etc. As an antispasmodic it is given in flatulency, colicky pains, hysteria, stoppage of urine and timpanists. In bronchitis with profuse expectoration it lessens the sputum. A poultice of crushed fruits is applied to painful rheumatic joints, and fomentation of hot seeds to the chest in bronchitis, asthma and cold hands and feet in cholera, fainting and syncope. Ajowan phula is antiseptic and germicide. With camphor and other antispasmodics it is given in cholera, diarrhea, internal colic spasm of stomach, asthma and dysmenorrhoea. The oil is applied as stimulant, embrocating for the relief of pain in the limbs and rheumatism and also given in internally for colic tympanitis. Aqua ptvchotis is used to disguise the taste of nauseous drugs.


Dr. Shanker Adawal
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